Inspired by the weekly series on A Beautiful Mess, I want to take some time to reflect on the previous week - what was fun, what brought me joy, and probably cute animal pictures - in order to start the following week on a positive note and beat the Sunday Scaries.
Happy Sunday! I feel like every week I've start this off by saying I just worked a ton. And, this week is no different! Adam and I weren't able to get out and do much during the week because I kept getting home so late. We definitely made up for it by trying to pack some fun into the weekend, like going for a walk downtown, seeing some friends, and trying out a new beer at one of our favorite breweries.
Here's what I loved about this week:
1: Game night with friends. We drank a hodgepodge of beer and played kitten and unicorn based card games for a hours.
2: Only moderately related to #1 - spiked seltzers. You can drink quite a few and not feel awful the next day! They've been my go-to for house party type events, where I want to have some drinks with friends but not have the guilt associated with too many vodka sodas. Right now my favorite is the raspberry-cran San Juan Seltzer.
3: Strange Planet comics. I think these are absolutely hilarious. They definitely make you realize how strange humans are.
4: Carrot chips and greek yogurt ranch dressing. I've been eating these non-stop. They're working out to be a good alternative to regular chips for me!
5: The buffalo chicken dip Adam made for game night. We hadn't had buff-chick dip in quite some time. I'm not sure when buffalo chicken dip went out of style, but I'm kind of bummed it did. I think we'll try to bring it back ourselves and hope the rest of the world catches back on.
6: This Outdoor Voices crop top. I found a blue/pink one at Buffalo Exchange with the tags still one! I did need some help wrestling myself into and out of it, as it's quite compressive, but it's super cute and fit so well once I got it over my head!
Have a great week!